

Friday, 7 December 2012

Module one Chapter 7 translating layered designs into embroidery

Well this chapter has been a real challenge for me, I love the speed of machine embroidery,but I want to learn more about hand embroidery. So I challenged myself to create all 6 samples using only hand embroidery. Not only that I wanted to learn new stitches along the way, so with stitch instructions at hand I started and here we are weeks later with 6 rather small samples to show for it. But I have learned French knots, couching,woven circles, seeding and a few more stitches too.
Sample a:
French knots,running stich and cross stitch worked in hand dyed threads.

Sample b:
Hand dyed silk fabrics on a base of dyed cotton.

sample c:
 This sample I worked with 4 layers of fabric. Of all my paper designs this was the one I liked the best but when translated into fabric and embroidery I really didn't like it. Too try and salavage something from it I used some treasure gold to highlight the stitching.

Sample d:
Bondawebbed background with one other layer of fabric plus to layer worked entirely in raised stitching. I included some bead work in this sample.

Sample e:
The star shape was bonded onto the darker orange background and stitched. I felt with this type of star shape lent itself to being bonded. Woven cirles added.

sample f:
Top layer this time was dyed scrim.

Friday, 9 November 2012

Playing with Scribbler Too

I found this brilliant scribbling website and just had to have a play. I had a quick play around using some of my initial star shapes as inspiration. Not sure if these could be translated into stitching at all...watch this space!
star anise, simplified poppy seedhead and stars created from coloured papers.
Turkish tile.

Star Fishes.
I also found I could put an image into the scribble box and draw round the outlines. The second picture was of lots of starfish lying on top of each other. I think this one might have potential.

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Module 1 Chapter 6 Use of bonding in applique

Sample 1 using bonding powder

Sample 2. I am not keen on the colours in this sample but I quite like the  pattern

Sample 3 sippets of threads and fabrics bonded

Sample 4 Bonded threads between sandwich of sheers. This was then heated with hot air gun to create  a textured piece of "fabric"

Sample 5

Sample 6

Module 1 Chapter 5 fabric selection and fabric

I had a whole day to myself so time to get the dyes out. I used procion dyes and the plastic bag method. I had lots of small pieces of fabrics and some undyed yarns which I thought would dye well.

not the usual wash day washing!

threads drying

dyed fabric washed dried and ironed and ready to have patterns added

Module 1 Chapter 4 Cut and fold designs in coloured paper

Sample 1: I became drawn to the shapes in the middle of the paper cut outs

Sample 2: using the oil scrunched paper. I really like the texture of this paper and it would be strong enough to stitch into. 

Sample 3

Sample 4:

Sample 5

Sample 6

Module 1 Chapter 4 Cut and Fold design Shapes in black paper

I really enjoyed this part of the module
 I think it was the crispness of the shapes produced by working in black on white paper.
Sample 1: Simple shapes to begin with

Sample 2: using star anise shape as inspiration

Sample 3: More complex shapes

Sample 4 

sample 5: 

Sample 6: Triangular folding

Sample 7

Sample 8

Sample 9

Sample 10

Some of the cut outs I have produced will work on fabric but some of then I think are too comlicated. I was amased at the variety of shapes that could be produced by such a simple method.

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Module 1 Chapter 3

Design sheet B
1.Scale and pattern. I found this shape very difficult to create a good repeat pattern.

2. Border and Corner 

3.Linking border. trying to link these shapes was an interesting exercise. I like the big star but  I think it would link better wiith crosses.

4. Linking border, Linking 2 different shapes and new shape from old.

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Module 1 chapter 3 Design development

Design sheets A
I took a very simple 4 pointed star to try out these exercises.

Although this pattern didn't quite line up I quite like the idea and might play around with it  at a later date.